Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pet Fundraising event Ideas

Hosting a fund-raiser is a good way to raise money for a need that is close to your heart. However, many of us are exposed to the same types of fund-raisers, such as car washes and bake sales, time and time again. If you really want to get people excited about raising funds, try involving family pets in the action. A fund-raiser involving pets is especially appropriate if the monies being raised are going to benefit an animal organization such as a no-kill shelter.

Dog Wash

Instead of a traditional car wash, host a dog wash for your pet fund raiser. Offer a dog wash is at a dog park where there are dog-washing facilities. You will also have exposure to plenty of dog lovers who will likely be interested in supporting your cause. Hang signs and let your friends with dogs know about the event. Make sure you mention the cause you are supporting on your promotional materials. Bring plenty of soap and towels and a few people to help with the washing. You can either charge a flat fee per dog or ask for donations.

Pet Food Bake Sale

Host a bake sale for pets. Instead of selling cookies and cupcakes, you could sell dog biscuits and cat treats. Purchase some treats, wrap them in plastic wrap and tie a ribbon around them. Pet owners will get a kick out of bake sale geared toward their furry friends. Set your bake sale up at a popular spot for dog owners, such as a dog park or outside of a pet store. You may want to provide some treats for human consumption as well.

Dog Walk-a-thon

We have all heard of walking for a cause. Add a new element to a traditional walk-a-thon by having local pet owners walk their dogs for a cause. Decide ahead of time on a particular route. Advertise the event and the cause it is supporting at local pet stores and dog parks. Participants who wish to walk their dogs will be asked to pay an entry fee to join in the fun. Make sure to have plenty of spots for the dogs to get water during the walk. Additionally, instead of T-shirts you could provide bandanas for the furry participants to wear.

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