Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why Dogs Relieve Themselves In Your Home

Retired grehounds may not know where to go.

Dogs urinate or defecate inside for many reasons, but almost all of these reasons are manageable. If a dog has been reliably housetrained and then has an accident, it needs veterinary attention.


Any housetrained dog that suddenly begins urinating or defecating in the home is usually ill. There could be an infection or other illness causing the dog to relieve itself.


Puppies and dogs under 2 years old are prone to submission urination. Dogs signal that a person or another dog is dominant by suddenly urinating as if they are helpless.


Due to arthritis or cognitive dysfunction syndrome ("doggy Alzheimer's"), older dogs may not remember where they must urinate/defecate or cannot physically get outside in time.

New Dog

Dogs or puppies brought into new homes or places to stay will be unsure where to urinate/defecate and often have accidents.

No Training

Dogs that have lived their entire lives outside in kennels, such as racing greyhounds, are not housetrained and do not realize that they must urinate/defecate outside.

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