Friday, June 14, 2013

Raise German Shepherd Dogs

You can raise a German shepherd to follow your instructions and be a perfect companion.

Raising a German shepherd can be daunting. You will need to keep him safe and provide him with the necessities. German shepherds originated in Germany. They have been used as guard dogs and as service dogs for people with disabilities. You can be successful in raising a German shepherd by following these guidelines.


1. Provide a secure space that your German shepherd can call his own. You can purchase a dog bed at your nearest pet shop. Dog beds come in a variety of sizes and can accommodate a small German shepherd puppy or a full-grown dog.

2. Train your dog to follow basic rules of the house. It is important to housebreak your German shepherd so he knows that he must go outside to relieve himself. If you have a puppy, place training pads around the house in case of accidents. You will need to train the German shepherd to walk with a leash attached. Getting the dog comfortable with the leash will make walking him easier.

3. Feed your German shepherd a proper diet. Consult with your veterinarian to get appropriate food for your dog. German shepherds require a certain level of nutrients to grow strong. Treats can be given to your German shepherd as an incentive when training.

4. Play with your German shepherd. Play time is very important for the development of your dog. You can purchase toys for your dog at a pet store.

5. Provide a safe and proper environment for your dog. It is important to keep your German shepherd away from dogs that are larger or more aggressive. If you have a German shepherd puppy, you should keep adult dogs away from him. Yuliya Matvyeyeva, owner of Kennels von Lotta and a German shepherd breeder, states that if a German shepherd puppy is attacked, he can become aggressive.

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