Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Clean Your Dog Kennel

Delialah (6 months old) in her kennel.

While house training dogs and puppies one will find the newest family member may have an accident in the kennel. Do not fret, a few minutes of careful cleaning will rid your house of the smell. When cleaning dog kennels/houses it is important to use pet safe cleaning products. For an outdoor dog kennel there are mulitple ways to address puppy piles. In this article both indoor and outdoor dog kennels will be addressed.


Indoor Dog Kennels

1. Mix one part Dawn Dishsoap with eight parts water into a clean, empty 24 oz spray bottle.

2. Take soiled blankets from out of kennel.

3. Remove feces or urine with paper towels, use trash bag to discard paper towels.

4. Spray soap mixture on walls and bottom of kennel. Let sit for 5 minutes.

5. Use paper towels to wipe the soap mixture from kennel.

6. Place fresh/clean dog blanket in kennel.

Outdoor Dog Kennels

7. Follow indoor dog kennel steps for using cleansers in outdoor dog house/kennel.

8. Clean really nasty kennel messes by moving kennel to a grassy area of yard.

9. Attach spray nozzle to end of water hose, turn on water to full blast. Spray out kennel.

10. Remove feces piles from yard with a pooper scooper or shovel.

11. Deposit feces into trashbag.

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