Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Size A Kennel For Toilet Training Your Dog

A dog sleeping in a properly sized kennel

Potty training a puppy can be a long and exhausting process, but using crate or kennel training can make potty training an easier and less frustrating experience. In order for kennel training to actually help with potty training, the kennel has to be properly sized for your dog. Regardless if you use an open wire crate or a closed plastic covered kennel, the size is important to ensure the space feels like a proper den to your dog. The theory behind crate training is that a dog will not soil his den. The crate becomes the dog's den, and keeping it clean is the dog's goal.


Size a Kennel for Potty Training a Dog

1. Measuring your dog will ensure you buy the accurately-sized kennel.

Measure your dog. It is important to buy a crate that is the proper size for your dog at his current age and size, therefore measure him to ensure accuracy. Use a measuring tape to measure how long your dog is from nose to tail while he is lying down. You'll also want to know how big he is from wither (base of neck) to his toes. In addition, measure how tall your dog is at the shoulder when he is standing.

2. Purchase your dog kennel. When you are shopping at a pet store you will see many sizes of kennels, which are labeled with the exact dimensions. Ensure the kennel is only large enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down. If your kennel is too large your dog will eliminate in one end and sleep in another, defeating the purpose of kennel training.

3. Buy a kennel divider if your crate is too large. If you are potty training a puppy, it does not make sense to purchase a small crate for him while he is small and another larger crate while he grows. Many crates come with a divider that allows flexibility for growing dogs. If your crate does not come with this divider, you can purchase it separately.

4. Place the kennel divider inside the kennel and test the sizing. Encourage your dog to step into the kennel so that you can visually test the size. Your dog should only have room to turn around and not walk or run around the crate. If your kennel is too small or too large, adjust your kennel divider. If you do not have a divider, you can stuff a box or pillows in to one end of the crate to block off space.

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