Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What Exactly You Need To Construct A Series Link Kennel

Outdoor kennels can give your pet a secure area in which to play outside.

Kennels are not an appropriate permanent home for your pet since dogs require socialization, but they can create a secure, outdoor area for your dog to play when the weather is nice and your dog is eager to go outside. While many kennel kits are available for purchase, you can create your own outdoor chain link dog kennel using supplies found at the local lumber and hardware supply store.


Before you begin driving posts into the ground to create a kennel, it is important to call your local building commissioner or town board to ensure that proper building permits are in place. Check the local surveyor's office to ensure that you are building the kennel within the boundaries of your property line. Call 811 to have underground utilities marked prior to digging, since driving a post into the ground can be disruptive if you strike a water or gas line.

Chain Link Panels

Rather than stretching your own chain link and attaching it to posts, you can purchase three 12-foot chain link panels for your kennel. Buy one 12-foot gate panel to create a door to the kennel. Use a measuring tape to measure the area you intend to use for the chain link dog kennel.

T-posts and Sledgehammer

Purchase eight 6-foot T-posts and drive them into the ground around the kennel's perimeter. Your chain link panels will be attached to these posts. Posts should be driven 2 feet into the ground with a sledgehammer to ensure that they are securely in the ground.

Other Supplies

You will also need chain link connectors to connect each panel to the adjacent post. Wear safety gloves to prevent injury. If you are unable to drive posts 2 feet into the ground with a sledgehammer, use a post hole digger to create a hole for the posts. Cover the top of the kennel with a tarp and secure it to the fence to protect your pet from the elements.

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