Friday, February 15, 2013

Prevent And Treat Dog Calluses

Calluses are most commonly found on a dog's elbows and back legs. Calluses are areas of rough skin, usually gray and hairless, that are formed when skin repeatedly rubs against rough surfaces such as concrete in a dog run, scratchy carpeting or hard floors. Calluses don't pose a serious health risk and probably bother you more than they bother your dog because of the way they look--but there are ways to prevent and treat them.


1. Protect your dog from abrasive surfaces. Provide a well-cushioned dog bed for your dog to sleep on instead of directly on a hard surface.

2. Put padding down in your dog's favorite resting areas. You probably won't want to place dog beds all over, but some kind of cushioning should work.

3. Monitor your dog to make sure the calluses aren't bothering him or causing pain. You can often tell by the way they lie down.

4. Make sure the calluses don't become infected. If this occurs, seek veterinary attention.

5. Purchase an ointment or lotion such as aloe, Vitamin E or bag balm from a veterinarian or pet supply store if you like. This can soften the calluses and improve the appearance of your dog's skin. Rub the product into the callus until it is almost completely dry. If your dog tries to lick it, distract her with a long walk or chew toy. Or you can use an Elizabethan collar until the area is completely dry.

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