Friday, February 22, 2013

Stop A Puppy From Eating Wood

Stop a Puppy from Chewing Wood

Although puppies are prone to chewing objects, especially when they are teething, chewing on wood can be detrimental to the puppy's stomach. Small shards of wood aren't welcome in your dog's digestive tract. Chewing wood can also damage furniture in your home. Luckily, there are ways that you can stop your puppy from chewing wood to protect not only her health, but your belongings as well. You and your dog will be happier once the chewing has stopped.


1. Remove any wood objects that your dog likes to chew. If he's going after a certain item in your home, put it away where he doesn't have access to it. Without the wood to chew on, your dog will chew on puppy toys instead.

2. Exercise your dog every day. Dogs, especially puppies, need a lot of regular exercise. Take her for walks or to play at the park. The exercise should be tiring for your puppy and will leave her contented so she doesn't take her boredom out on the wood in your home.

3. Play fetch with dog toys rather than with sticks of wood you've found at the park. Your dog may decide to chew on the wooden stick rather than bringing it back to you. Use ropes, rubber bones or tennis balls instead.

4. Reprimand your dog whenever you find him chewing on wood. Speak sternly to him to let him know he's done something wrong. Conversely, praise your dog whenever he's being good so he can recognize positive behavior.

5. Keep your dog away from wood when you aren't at home to keep watch on his behavior. Place him away in rooms that don't contain wood, such as kitchens, garages and bathrooms. Keep him in a kennel or crate if you don't trust him to spend time in a full room while you're out.

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