Friday, February 1, 2013

Create A Dog Relax Inside A Kennel

Kennel training for dogs can be a trying process, and it takes a lot of patience and continuous training to be effective. Kennel training is important because the dog will be in the crate while the owners are out of home at work, school or while running errands. The kennel also gives the dog a safe place to sleep at night. It's important to remember that the crate must be big enough for the dog to stand up and turn around.


1. Make the kennel a privilege, not a punishment. The kennel should never be used strictly as a punishment. When the dog is placed in the kennel, say "kennel" in a high-pitched, happy voice that makes the dog feel excited to go into the kennel. Throw a few treats into the kennel to lead him in. Ultimately, the dog should see it more as his bedroom than as a prison.

2. Put a blanket or clothing that smells like the owner in the kennel. Wear a T-shirt for a day, or sleep with a blanket for a few days, and then place it in the kennel. This will make the dog more comfortable. Additionally, having a stuffed toy to cuddle up next too is also comforting to younger dogs.

3. Give food in the kennel. When it is mealtime, give the dog her food in a bowl in her kennel. This helps her get used to being in the crate while she is side-tracked with food. Make sure that the food bowl is either attached to the kennel door or is heavy so the dog cannot knock it over.

4. Increase time spent in the kennel gradually. Once the dog stays relaxed in his kennel for at least 30 minutes, he should be fine for longer periods of time. However, if you are training a puppy, make sure he is let out of the kennel for regular bathroom breaks.

5. Have the dog sleep in her kennel. When a dog sleeps (and eats) in her kennel, she is far less likely to urinate or defecate in it because it smells like her. If the dog begins whining at night or in the morning, and you know she is able to hold her bladder, try not to let her out until she stops whining for at least 1 minute. This shows that you are rewarding silence, not whining.

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