Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cat Litter Box Train An Outrageous Cat

Litter Box Train a Wild Cat

If you've decided to bring a wild cat into your home, one of your concerns is likely litter box train the unsocialized feline. The good news is that cats are generally easily trained to the litter box, and this includes cats that are feral. The process for training a feral cat to use the litter box is similar to training any newly adopted cat.


1. Confine the feral cat to a small room, or a large dog crate, for the first few days he is in your home. The room/crate should contain his litter box, food, water and a bed. The food and water bowls should be at the opposite end of the room/kennel from the litter box.

2. Fill the litter box with garden soil and place a few leaves or twigs on top. This mimics the "litter box" the cat used in the wild. Over time, you can gradually replace some of the garden soil with litter--preferably unscented, scoopable litter--each time you change the box. Continue this until the wild cat is using only litter.

3. Place its stool in the litter box if the cat goes outside the box. This will help the cat to associate the litter box with its purpose.

4. Open the door to the cat's kennel or room once she has mastered the use of the litter box for a few days. If she continues to use the box, gradually increase the space she is allowed to access again in a few days. If she has an accident after you increase her space, decrease her space again for a few days to give her more time to master litter box training.

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