Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sanitize An Outdoors Dog Pen

Sanitize an Outside Dog Pen

You should clean and sanitize your dog's pen properly for the animal's health because a clean pen keeps your dog happier and healthier, and may mean fewer trips to the vet. There are several ways to do this, but all include a good sanitizing agent. Use one that is safe for pet use and that kills germs responsible for common, yet dangerous dog diseases such as parvo and distemper. If you need help selecting a good disinfectant, ask for a recommendation from your veterinarian. Disinfectants are often safer than bleach and are available at most pet supply stores.


1. Put on rubber gloves to prevent contaminating your hands from the chemicals in the disinfectant and wear a dust mask to prevent inhaling bacteria-laden dirt. Remove the dog from the pen and place him in a safe, temporary place indoors or out.

2. Remove feces from the pen using a small shovel or a scooper intended for this purpose. Place the feces in plastic trash bags and remove from the pen. Once the feces has been picked up, remove any straw or other bedding, food dishes and water bowls that may be in the pen.

3. Sweep the dog pen with a broom if the pen has a hard, non-gravel floor. If the floor of the pen is dirt or gravel, just try to remove as much debris as possible.

4. Mix the disinfectant with water in a bucket according to the label directions. Some disinfectants for this purpose are liquid, but some are in tablet or powder form and will dissolve in water.

5. Apply the disinfectant according to label directions. Some are intended to be used with a sprayer--this is especially helpful if the pen is large or the floor is gravel or dirt. Use the disinfectant liberally, making sure all surfaces are treated including chain-link fencing. If you are not using a sprayer, apply the disinfectant to the fencing with a sponge mop.

6. Allow the pen to dry thoroughly before bringing the dog and clean bedding and food dishes back in the pen.

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