Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Eliminate Flies Inside A Dog Pen

Flies are a nuisance to pets and people.

Flies are a nuisance to both people and pests. When flies congregate around outdoor spaces, such as a dog pen, they can be harder to control. Getting rid of flies in a dog pen requires persistent effort and a multiphase approach. The key is to remove the conditions that the flies favor to prevent new flies as well as to remove the existing fly population. Although getting rid of flies in a dog pen takes some effort, you and your pet will be happier.


1. Remove all uneaten dog food from the pen one hour after feeding. Removing food from the outdoor dog pen prevents the flies from having food source which will make them leave the area.

2. Keep the dog pen clean by removing any dog waste two to three times per day. Dispose of the waste in a sealed garbage can to prevent the flies from accessing it.

3. Use a saw to cut back all surrounding shrubs and vegetation within 10 feet of the dog pen. Flies like moisture which this vegetation provides; by cutting it down, you remove the moisture source.

4. Hang fly traps around the perimeter of the dog pen, but in a location where the dog cannot access them. To use a fly trap, pull off the end of the cylinder-shaped trap and extend the sticky tape. Check the traps every two to three days and discard the ones with flies trapped on them. Replace the traps until the fly population has been eliminated.

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