Monday, July 15, 2013

Flavor Wheat Germ

Honey adds flavor to wheat germ.

Wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat kernel, covered by a coating that is known as bran layers. Wheat germ is a nutritious food and is a source of protein, fiber and potassium. However, wheat germ is not generally something that is eaten on its own. Instead, wheat germ is added to other foods because of its bland flavor and crunchy texture. Be creative when adding flavor to wheat germ. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Mix wheat germ with oatmeal. To add maximum flavor, add it to flavored oatmeal such as maple and brown sugar. Wheat germ will mix well with oatmeal because of its bland flavor and crunch.

2. Add 1 tsp. honey to plain oatmeal and wheat germ and adjust to taste. This is healthy alternative to using sugar sweeteners, although honey does contain calories.

3. Mix chopped walnuts and almonds together with wheat germ, oatmeal and honey. You can also add the nuts without chopping them. Nuts provide plenty of healthy protein and they will disguise the crunchy texture of the wheat germ.

4. Cut an apple into small chunks. Mix the apple chunks into the wheat germ and put the mixture on top of the oatmeal. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the apples.

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