Friday, September 13, 2013

Canine Training Schools In Texas

Dog Training Schools in Texas

Well-behaved, properly trained dogs can provide loving companionship in any household. To ensure a family dog is off to a good start, pet owners may consider dog training schools in their local area. In Texas, dog owners have options in selecting a good training school based on price, convenience and types of learning provided. Whether you're school hunting for a new puppy or a stubborn full-grown furry friend, or you think you have a service or show dog in the making, enrolling your dog in dog training school can produce rewards that last a lifetime.


Dog training schools provide education on canine management and techniques for behavior modification to dog owners. Training can occur in the home, at a designated class site or facility. Pet owners utilize it to formally train their household pets, but some training schools also offer service training programs for dogs in functional roles. Additional dog schools provide programs that teach agility and prepare dogs for professional shows or competitions.

Obedience Schools

Park Cities Obedience School offers private and group classes for dogs in Dallas, Texas. Classes are held in an large indoor facility, taught by dog-training professionals with championship dog competition and obedience training experience. Their philosophy includes leash training and rewarding with praise rather than treats. Private lessons are available at the facility or within your home. The facility also features doggie day care, boarding and dog boot camp, for your more behaviorally challenged dog.

Service Schools

In addition to puppy, obedience and competitive training, Triple Dog Academy near Austin, Texas, offers training programs for service dogs. Triple Dog Academy works with professional dogs, teaching skills and behaviors that will qualify them for life-saving support work. After completing their training, these dogs are ready for a variety of tasks including search-and-rescue efforts, and narcotics and explosives detection. Triple Dog Academy offers free behavioral and training evaluations to interested dog owners and features weekly dog events and shows at its facility.

Guide Dog Schools

Guide Dogs of Texas is a training center located in San Antonio. This facility works exclusively with dogs that will be trained and paired with a visually impaired owner. As dogs have to be carefully paired with an owner to ensure compatibility and owner comfort with the animal, Guide Dogs of Texas provides an application process including medical report. Once accepted into the program, a guide dog is selected for the owner and both enter a training program that lasts approximately four weeks. Guide Dogs of Texas also checks in on both owner and dog after training to ensure a healthy, satisfactory working relationship.


According to the Humane Society of the United States, it is a good idea to request references from any trainer or school you are considering. The American Kennel Association has training facilities across the United States, with more than 15 training facilities in Texas. You can also locate independent certified dog trainers throughout Texas through the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

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