Thursday, September 12, 2013

Energy Clean Dog houses

Pet owners promote pet health and sanitary conditions with regular kennel cleaning.

The use of a kennel allows pet owners to provide shelter and comfort to dogs outside of the home environment. In addition, kennels provide a safe and protective environment for dogs when owners must perform tasks requiring a separate environment from pets. Pet owners often fill these dog shelters with toys, food bowls and pillows to promote maximum comfort for their four-legged companions. For pet health and wellness, the kennel requires regular cleaning and disinfection. Commercial steam cleaners can provide an effective means of removing gross material while preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.


1. Remove items. Clear the kennel prior to a steam wash by removing all pillows, dog bowls or toys from the interior of the kennel. Place the dog bowl and other non-cloth items in the vicinity of the kennel to steam wash as well.

2. Remove food. Collect and remove any spilled food in the interior of the kennel. If needed, use a damp disinfectant-filled cloth to remove or loosen dried material.

3. Open the kennel. When steam cleaning the interior of a kennel, prevent bacteria accumulation by beginning at the rear of the kennel during the steam wash. To begin, use a heavy/rigid item to hold open the entrance of the kennel to allow water and material to exit the kennel during the steam wash.

4. Steam clean the kennel. To begin, follow the operator's instructions on your commercial-grade steam washer. In general, you must fill the steam cleaner's water reservoir, connect the steam cleaner to an electrical outlet, allow the cleaner's temperature to rise and connect nozzle attachments. When cleaning, hold the nozzle 6 inches away from the surface to be cleaned and spray using a sweeping motion. Clean the kennel from top to bottom to allow material to flow downward and out of the kennel.

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