Friday, September 27, 2013

Stop Kennel Cough

There are vaccines available that will help prevent kennel cough.

Kennel cough is a bronchial infection caused by airborne bacteria. Your dog will have a distinct cough, and in severe cases may cough up mucus. The symptoms will often clear up on their own but it is best to consult a veterinarian to help your dog recover quickly. Dogs can take one week to three weeks to recover from kennel cough.


1. Go to your veterinarian and get antibiotics that are appropriate for your dog. Follow dosages and dosage schedules. Kennel cough is caused by bacterial and viral infections so antibiotics will help the dog recover quickly.

2. Supplement your dog with 500 milligrams of Vitamin C per 10 pounds of body weight to boost your dog's natural immunity.

3. Have your vet vaccinate your dog to prevent the problem from reoccurring and to help boost your dog's immunity.

4. Give your dog cough suppressants as needed. These can be prescribed by the vet and are also available over the counter.

5. Take your dog to the vet if it is struggling to breathe. Your vet may administer anti-inflammatory medication to help your dog.

6. Prevent relapses by keeping your dog vaccinated, especially if it is going to be in high-risk areas like kennels or boarding facilities.

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