Monday, September 23, 2013

Control Dog Whining

Every dog will whine a little--but when it becomes excessive it can drive a person crazy. Dogs whine for different reasons. Here I will go over why dogs whine and what you can do about it.


1. Understand why your dog whines. Your dog will whine because he is scared, in pain or upset about something. A lot of dogs will whine when they are in the crate because they are separated from their owners.

2. If your dog whines in the crate it is important that you don't let your dog out until he has stopped whining. This can be a very difficult thing to do, but it's very important not to let him out. Whining is often strengthened by our behavior. If your dog whines in the crate and then you open the crate and let her out your dog has learned a powerful strategy. If it happens more then once the behavior becomes really strong.

3. Once your dog has stopped whining you can open the crate and let your dog out. After a half hour or so, put your dog back in the crate and repeat the process. Once your dog stops whining, let your dog out.

4. Anytime your dog is whining for your attention it's important to ignore the behavior. If you yell at your dog to "shut up" you are just giving the whining behavior attention. Three forms of attention are: looking, touching or talking. Any form of attention will make the whining stronger and make the whining worse. All forms of attention have to be stopped.

5. Give your dog plenty of exercise because it's a great way to deal with whining. A sleeping dog will not whine!

6. Redirect your dog's behavior. Giving your dog a toy or bone to chew on can help with problematic whining.

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