Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keep Hair From Getting Large When Dry

Tame your curly hair in a few simple steps.

If you have curly or wavy hair, you know what it's like to have beautiful, well-behaved hair when it's wet only to have it mushroom out into a cloud of frizz when it dries. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to tame frizz and help keep your volume manageable even when your hair is dry.


1. Moisturize your hair with a rich conditioner made for curly or wavy hair or hair that is prone to frizz. Over-dryness in hair can add to the frizzy look you are trying to avoid. A good moisturizing conditioner will combat that.

2. Apply an anti-frizz product to your hair while it is still damp.

3. Air-dry your hair if possible. If you don't have time, blow-dry it with a diffuser attachment on your dryer.

4. Comb and style your hair with a wide-toothed comb. Hairbrushes can increase frizz, so avoid them.

5. Use small amounts of light, silicone-based gel in your hair to tame frizz and keep your curls or waves looking neat even after they are dry. The best gels are those designed specifically to fight frizz. Get a light coating of the gel on your fingers and then gently draw them through your hair.

6. Stop playing with your hair. Running your fingers through your hair once it's styled and dry will cause it to frizz.

7. Visit your hair stylist regularly. Scheduled trims help keep ends healthy, which will reduce frizzing.

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