Thursday, October 31, 2013

Kennel A Kitten Throughout Your Day

Make sure the crate is the right size to keep your cat in all day.

Small kittens often hide in the tiniest of places -- under a bed, behind a couch, in a kitchen cabinet behind the pots and pans. They can play all day and all night and get into all kinds of dangerous mischief. Crate training -- or kenneling -- your kitten while you are gone during the day teaches your little cat to get into a carrier when you need to transport it and keeps the kitten from harming itself. It can also give you peace of mind while your pet is unsupervised.


1. Set your kitten up with a pet kennel or crate large enough to hold everything you are going to put in it and still allow the kitten to move around comfortably.

2. Line the crate with old newspapers to save on cleanup.

3. Fill a small litter box with kitty litter and place it in the back of the crate. Cats prefer privacy when eliminating and your kitten is more likely to use the litter box away from prying eyes.

4. Put the pillow or blanket close to the front of the crate so that the kitten can see outside while it is resting.

5. Add several toys to the crate to keep your kitten's mind occupied while you are gone.

6. Set a water bowl and food dish next to the cat bed and add adequate free-choice food and water. Your kitten will need the water to stay hydrated during the day and should not go without food for longer than two to three hours. Small kittens can become hypoglycemic and die if they don't eat regularly.

7. Position the crate in a quiet room away from drafts to protect your kitten from upper respiratory infections.

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