Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Train A Beagle To Visit Potty Outdoors

Always praise a beagle when it goes potty outside.

Beagles adore food. This worship of food can help a beagle owner successfully house train a beagle puppy or adult dog. Beagles will do just about anything in order to be fed, including defecating or urinating outside. To help the beagle learn, the owner must clean up any accidents thoroughly and must learn the beagle's body language and normal elimination habits. Using a crate encourages beagles to hold their urine or feces until released, according to "Beagles" by Eve Adamson.


1. Take the beagle outside immediately when it shows signs of needing to urinate or defecate. Adamson's "Beagles" says these behaviors include walking in small circles, sniffing, and scratching the floor. If the yard is unfenced, use a collar and leash. Beagles also need to defecate after a long nap or evening sleep, after they eat and during exercise such as a walk. Always praise the beagle for squatting or lifting a leg in the right place. Carry food treats and reward your beagle.

2. Clean accidents in the home thoroughly. The lingering scent of urine or feces cues a beagle as to where to go. The Humane Society of the United States recommends using an enzyme-based cleaner to remove these odors. Ammonia-based cleaners smell too much like urine to work. (See Reference 4)

3. Choose either a house-training crate or a room in the home where the beagle can be confined when it cannot be supervised. This will keep accidents to a minimum. The crate needs to be large enough so the beagle can lie down and can turn around in it. Dogs try hard never to soil their beds. But if a crate is not practical, keeping the beagle in just one room such as a kitchen can also work. Lay down old newspapers or house-training pads to help minimize mess and to train the beagle to go in one spot in the room.

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