Thursday, February 27, 2014

American Bulldog Skin Problems

Although a very popular breed, American bulldogs are prone to skin problems.

American bulldogs are a very popular breed, but they can develop certain skin disorders that are sometimes quite an annoyance to deal with for both dog and owner alike. It is always important to take note of the condition of a bulldog's skin because it can often give subtle clues to underlying problems. A sudden change in coat shine or the rapid drying out and flaking of the skin can signify many things from bug bites to diseases that attack the immune system. It is essential that all skin problems be checked out by a veterinarian.

Insect Bites

Many breeds, including bulldogs, are allergic to insect bites. Insects such as mosquitoes, gnats and spiders can cause excessive scratching, leading to open sores. These sores are prone to infection which will need to be treated as well as the cause of the itching. When insects bite, their saliva usually causes a mild localized allergic reaction, but sometimes bulldogs can be hypersensitive to these bugs and the reaction may not be so mild or so localized.

Pollen Allergies

Bulldogs can also be allergic to many types of grasses and pollen and these reactions usually manifest themselves as red, irritated, itching spots on parts of their body. Typically the face, paws, groin, belly and rear will itch, causing the dog to gnaw at these areas incessantly until they bleed or until the itching goes away. This is a result of the body releasing too much histamine into the bloodstream as a method to deal with the pollen. Antihistamine medication often alleviates the irritation for bulldogs from pollen allergies.

Food Allergies

Like humans, bulldogs can be allergic to some food products. If a bulldog eats something and has a mild reaction to it, hives will usually appear all over the body and the bulldog will have itchy skin everywhere. Testing for food allergies can take a lot of patience because it can take up to six weeks before the results of feeding a different food will be known. This method is essentially trial and error to find a food that does not cause an allergic reaction. Severe reactions may include swelling of the head and neck as well as skin issues. In all allergic reaction events, seek veterinarian help immediately.


Ichthyosis is a skin disorder that is usually a genetic defect passed from adult to young. This disorder comes in varying degrees of severity from dry flaky skin which may hardly be noticeable to skin that is so cracked and hard that it can cause life threatening problems.


One of the most appealing features of American bulldogs is the wrinkles of skin and fur around the face and jowls. Unfortunately this can also be the source of yeast growth. These folds become hot and moisture builds up in them, providing the perfect habitat for the growth of yeast. Yeast can make your dog smell bad and can stain the skin and fur. Regular wiping in between these folds is needed to prevent the buildup of yeast.

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