Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Know Full Bloodstream Labrador Young puppies

Purebred Labrador puppies have the same balance as an adult would have throughout the body.

The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the United States because of their great personality, handsome build, and willingness to please. Labs are often a main cross for many breeds of dogs. When you purchase a Labrador retriever puppy you may want a guarantee that it is a purebred Labrador retriever. Buying a dog that is registered with the American Kennel Club is one way to ensure it is a purebred Lab. Many backyard breeders may have purebred dogs, but will not have them registered with the AKC. DNA testing is the only other way to be 100 percent sure puppies you are looking at are the real deal. Using AKC breed standards can identify traits of Labrador retrievers, but won't guarantee the dog is purebred.


1. Ask to see the AKC registrations for both parents. Both parents should be registered with the AKC and paperwork proving their bloodlines is the only way to ensure the litter is purebred.

2. Contact a company that DNA tests dogs and send a sample from the puppy to the company. The results will tell you for sure if the puppy is a purebred Labrador retriever.

3. Check AKC breed standards. The AKC sets breed standards that will help you identify traits to look for and to avoid when choosing a purebred Labrador retriever.

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