Monday, February 17, 2014

Help My Pitbull Securely Have Young puppies

Pit bulls need to practice gentle exercise while pregnant to maintain good health.

You can give your pit bull a good chance of delivering a healthy litter of puppies by preparing appropriately for the birth, monitoring your dog's health and by checking for signs of possible complications during the birth. According to, the gestation period for a dog is generally 63 days. If you are planning to breed pit bulls it is vital that you act responsibly by only selecting dogs to breed if they have a docile temperament as well as a family history of good-natured dogs.


1. Make an appointment with your veterinarian once you suspect that your pit bull may be pregnant. This will give your dog the best chance of delivering a litter of healthy puppies as the veterinarian can check that the mother-to-be is in good health and that there are no underlying health issues that could affect the pregnancy or the health of the puppies. Continue to take your pregnant pit bull for regular walks as she will still require exercise to maintain good health and muscle strength. Keep your dog away from other dogs when she becomes six weeks pregnant to prevent her from catching any infections that could be fatal to the puppies.

2. Create a comfortable environment for your pit bull to give birth in by lining a large box with towels and blankets. The box should be positioned in a quiet area of the house away from the noise of traffic. Allow the pit-bull to get used to spending time in the whelping box by setting it up a week before she is due to give birth, when she is eight weeks pregnant.

3. Monitor your dog's temperature using a rectal thermometer when she is due to give birth. According to, a dog's temperature is normally between 100 and 102 degrees F. Labor is imminent once her temperature drops below 100 degrees. Look out for signs that the dog is experiencing contractions, such as shaking, panting and vomiting. Place a bowl of water where your dog can reach it easily and stay with her throughout labor to monitor the situation in case any complications should arise.

4. Watch the dog as she gives birth to make sure that she clears away the membrane from around the puppies' nose and mouth. If she fails to do this, clear the membrane away yourself to prevent the puppy from suffocating. Call your veterinarian if your dog does not give birth within 24 hours of her body temperature dropping or if she has been straining for over an hour without giving birth as she may need a cesarean.

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