Monday, February 24, 2014

Keep Snakes From Your Yard

keep snakes out of your yard

If you are not a fan of snakes and definitely do not want them in your yard, there are a few precautionary measures you can do to keep them at bay.


1. Do not keep piles of wood or rocks close to your home. Snakes tend to flock to wood piles. They are a great place to hide and always provide shade for these cold blooded creatures. This will also keep frogs and rodents away which is a major source of food for snakes. Eliminate the food, eliminate the snake. Keeping bushes and shrubs near your home trimmed and the debris and leaves around them raked and picked up will eliminate a place for snakes to hide and hang out near your house.

2. Keeping your lawn moved and using your weed eater regularly will keep snakes from slithering through your property. They eat the bugs that like to hang out in tall grass and weeds. If you let your grass get high and out of control you may be asking for snakes.

3. If you have dogs, give them free roam of your yard. The scent of dogs and the presence of a larger animal will keep snakes from creating a habitat in a place they feel is already inhabited.

4. There are snake repellants on the market that can be applied to your grass. Some are safe for kids and animals so you would not have to worry about it harming an outdoor pet. They will also stay away from granulated sulfur which can also be sprinkled on your yard. Be careful while applying it, as it is a dust and shouldn't be inhaled. Moth balls will also repel snakes because of the strong smell. Marigolds also have a strong scent and will keep a snake from coming near.

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