Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Safeguard A Vegetable Garden From Creatures

A dog can be a major help in keeping your garden pest free.

One of the challenges of keeping your vegetable garden productive is keeping pest free. Many animals will feed on your growing vegetable plants and destroy them if left unchecked. Traps can deal with smaller animals, such as rodents. Larger animals like deer may require creativity to stop them from destroying your plants.


1. Allow your dog to roam near but not in the garden. Build a small kennel near the garden, especially if you do not have a fenced in back yard. Few animals will venture near a dog. Dogs are especially helpful in keeping larger animals, such as deer, away from vegetable gardens. The smell of a dog alone repels many animals, let alone the barking and physical presence.

2. Let your cat prowl the garden. It will stalk the smaller animals invading your garden. Cats are hunters and seek mice, rats, moles, gophers and even squirrels. Cats can also discourage larger animals such as skunks, armadillos and raccoons from digging around the garden.

3. Install a fence that wraps around the entire outside perimeter of your vegetable garden. If you have a deer problem, make the fence 5- or 6-feet tall.

4. Apply repellents. Try natural repellents, such as garlic or castor oil, around the outside edges of the garden. You can also buy repellents such as fox urine that will scare off smaller animals.

5. Install a motion-activated floodlight. Place it on a post or a tree close to the vegetable garden. This is especially helpful at night in repelling deer. Deer do not like being seen at night, and the light will startle them, causing them to retreat.

6. Apply milky spore to the garden soil. This powder kills the grubs that moles and voles eat. They leave the area for a new food source.

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