Monday, December 23, 2013

Break Dog Aggression

Dogs behave aggressively for numerous reasons, but whatever the motivation, this behavior can create a tremendous amount of frustration and unease for pet owners. If you have a dog that exhibits aggressive tendencies, you will need to address the behavior head-on in order to reduce the likelihood of serious violence on the part of the animal. Even if you think that your dog is incapable of inflicting any real damage, you should take the behavior very seriously and respond accordingly.


1. Monitor your dog's behavior to determine the type of aggression. Different dogs exhibit aggressive traits for different reasons, including nervousness, dominance and territoriality. If you figure out why your dog demonstrates these characteristics, you can determine the best course of action.

2. Respond to your dog's specific type of aggression. If your dog has fear-based aggression, provide plenty of comfort and security. If your dog has dominance issues, consider reducing her exposure to other animals and feeding her in a separate room from other pets. If your dog behaves aggressively as the result of some physical pain, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

3. Have your dog neutered. While not as effective in reducing aggression in females, sterilization can dramatically reduce aggressiveness in male dogs.

4. Teach your dog basic obedience commands, such as "Sit" and "Stay." This will instill a sense of discipline, remind him that you are the dominant figure and allow you to respond more effectively to his aggressive behavior in the future.

5. Prevent your dog from trying to dominate people and other animals. If your dog shows signs of trying to dominate or intimidate other living creatures, immediately scold him in a firm but nonviolent manner. Look for behavioral signs, such as snarling, growling and tense posture. Intervene immediately when you see any of these signs.

6. Reward good behavior. Just as you should scold poor behavior, you must always remember to praise her when she does the right thing. Show her that you find favor when she interacts positively with other animals, neglects opportunities to bark at passersby and shows affection or patience toward people.

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