Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Construct Your Own Truck Hunting Dog Box For Just Two

Transporting hunting dogs safely in a truck box is important to skilled hunters.

Building a dog box is very similar to building a dog house. The difference is that dog boxes are made to be portable and have a flat roof. Consider the sizes of the dogs that will use the box when it's built. Dogs should have enough room to stand up and move around. The box should be the width of the truck bed and 8 to 10 inches taller than the height of the truck bed sides. Allow some room on the sides for sliding the dog box off the truck.


1. Measure the width of the truck bed. Measure or approximate the height and size of the dogs that will use the boxes. Cut four pieces of 2-by-4 board that are 3 ½ feet in length to form the box frame. Cut four pieces of board that are 2 feet long to form the width of the box.

2. Nail or screw two of the 2-foot pieces to two of the 3 1/2 foot pieces to form the base of the box. Make two bases to create two dog boxes.

3. Cut four pieces of board that are 1 ½ feet long. Use these four pieces to join the frame together by screwing or nailing these pieces to the side of the 2-foot-by-4-foot frame. This is called toe nailing.

4. Measure the size of the box you have built and use that measurement to cut the plywood for the top, bottom, sides and front and back of the boxes.

5. Nail or screw the side pieces to the frame. Then attach the top, bottom and back. Determine where you want to place the door opening in the front piece. Cut out the opening using a skill saw or jig saw.

6. Cut a piece of chicken wire that is 2 inches wider on all four sides of the door panel. Measure the outer size of the door and make a box frame for the door. Attach the piece of chicken wire to the frame.

7. Cut one small piece of 2-by-4 and place it on the inside edge of the door where the hinges will be mounted. Attach the hinges to the door and then attach the other side of the hinge onto the dog box. Attach a hook latch to the edge of the door and the box so you can lock the door in place.

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