Thursday, December 12, 2013

Eliminate Annoying Wild birds That Eat Pet Food

When you feed your dogs, you probably aren't expecting to feed the birds in your area; however, most birds can easily pick up dog food kibble. Not only is this a waste of dog food, it is also a potential danger to your dog, as birds can carry some diseases that are harmful to dogs. For example, it is possible that a bird infected with tuberculosis could pass that on to a dog, notes Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP (see reference 1). It is also possible that birds can pass fungal diseases to dogs. Because of this, keeping the birds away from your dog's food is a priority.


1. Place a bird deterrent, such as an owl statue, next to where you feed your dog. This may help to scare the birds and keep them at bay. You can also opt to install a sonic or ultrasonic bird deterrent near where you feed your dog; however, be sure that if you opt to do this that you get one that is dog-friendly.

2. Feed your dog in a dog pen that has a secure cover and mesh wrap around it. This will stop the birds from reaching the dog food.

3. Use an automatic dog feeder that has a door. Your dog will have to figure out open the door to get the food, but the birds usually can't open the door.

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