Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Stages Of Becoming An Adult For Any German Shepherd

German shepherds are a medium size breed that generally gives birth to between six and eight pups at a time. Their coloration's a mix of brown and black and the puppies can gain up to double their body weight just a week after birth. A German shepherd's growth is defined by when it begins to walk on its own, when it socializes with other dogs and when it opens its eyes. The earlier stages of growth include three weeks, six weeks, three months and six months.

Three Weeks Old: Socializing

Starting at around three weeks old, the German Shepherd pups will begin to explore their surroundings and socialize with their litter mates. They have a walk closer to what one might see in an adult dog and while they may be a little wobbly, they have no problem getting around. At about four weeks old, most puppies will have a full set of teeth, allowing them to eat soft foods in addition to the milk and nutrition they're getting from their mother.

Six Weeks Old: Mounting, Sniffing and Grooming

At about six weeks old, the puppies with start showing dominance over their brothers and sisters by mounting them. This is also a time for them to inspect one another by sniffing tails, as well as the hands of adults and younger children. It's recommended that owners start training their German Shepherd puppies around this age and introduce them to grooming. Training includes things such as housebreaking and directing the puppy to go into its kennel when it's time for bed.

Three Months: Juvenile

Close to three months after the German Shepherds are born, puppies should have lost all of their baby teeth. Around the same time, the puppy's temperature will be closer to that of an adult. It's suggested by experts to begin puppy classes around the age of three or four months. As it nears sexual maturity, each puppy will develop its own personality and behaviors. This is a great time for owners to get involved as much as possible to become a part of the pack.

Six Months: Sexual Maturity

While your puppy's skeleton still has another six months to finish growing, its organs have fully grown. At around seven months old, females should have gone through their first heat period, while males won't learn to lift their legs while urinating for another month or two. This is the ideal time to show dominance over your German Shepherd puppy so it knows its place in the pack. This includes using a firm voice when necessary but also rewarding your puppy when it's good.

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