Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why Is It Necessary To Remain On The Bull For Eight Seconds Inside A Rodeo

A cowboy rides a bull as another is ready to help with the dismount.


Rodeo arose out of the competitive nature of the cowboys of the Old West. According to the Professional Rodeo Cowboy website, legend has it that the first rodeo took place in 1869 in Colorado. Regardless of the actual place or time of the first rodeo, the original competitions would pit wranglers, ranch hands and cowboys against each other in tasks that were based on the chores they saw in their daily work, like roping calves and riding horses. Over time rodeos also grew to include purely competitive tasks such as riding a bull for eight seconds.

Why Eight Seconds?

The eight-second ride helps to prevent the bull from being injured or overly exhausted. The time limit also helps to keep the animal's spirit high and healthy, which prevents the bull from breaking and ensures it has a long competitive life. The time is set purely to help the animals stay healthy and competing in top form.

Animal Welfare

The Professional Bull Riders, Inc. website reports that, "The bulls are treated with as much respect as the human athletes who ride them." The PBR restricts the number of times that a single bull may participate in an event. According to the site, a bull may not be used more than once a day. In addition to limiting the number of times a bull can compete, the PBR regulates the type of food the bulls eat, the method and accommodation for transporting the animals, and the veterinary guidelines for the bulls. The PBR site outlines very specific rules for rest, diet and safety restrictions.

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