Thursday, December 19, 2013

Select A Wireless Dog Fence

Dog care means choosing the right diet, providing plenty of exercise, showing affection and praise and keeping your animal safe. It's important to fence in your residence to keep your dog from wandering and getting lost or encountering aggressive wild animals. Wireless dog fences have become increasingly popular and are effective in corralling domesticated pets.


1. Compare prices of different wireless dog fences. Conduct an Internet search for dog fences using such sites as Pets-Mart, Petco, and Petland to find ones that fit your budget. Cost does not necessarily reflect product performance or reliability.

2. Compare different brands and model ranges. See which best fits you and your pet's needs. Manufacturers include PetSafe, Havahart, Perimeter Technologies and Dogtek.

3. Decide which system is most effective for your pet. The "correction" voltage or charge differs with different models. Choose a system that will work with your dog's unique personality.

4. Read product reviews. See what customers and consumer report ratings are saying.

5. Speak to pet store employees and dog breeders and/or trainers. Ask pet store employees which are the best selling brands and why customers choose them. In addition, contact different dog breeders and/or trainers and ask if they use wireless dog fencing. Ask which brand and model they recommend.

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