Friday, August 23, 2013

Create A Dog'S Water Bowl

If your dog tends to spill its water dish, make one set in concrete.

Keeping your dog hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for its health. A dog needs to drink about 1 ounce of water per pound of weight every day. If your dog does not get enough water, it may lose its appetite and act lethargic. Some dogs are constantly knocking over their water bowls, then they don't have any water left to drink. To solve this problem and prevent dehydration, create a custom concrete water bowl to suit your dog's size and specific needs.


1. Start with a large, clean plastic bowl. The bowl should be at least 11 inches in diameter and 4 inches tall. Using a screwdriver, poke a few ventilation holes in the bottom of the bowl.

2. Place a small stainless steel bowl upside down in the bottom of the plastic bowl. The stainless steel bowl should be large enough to hold at least one quart of water, and the edges should fit snugly against the inside of the plastic bowl. The bottom of the stainless steel bowl should sit at least two inches below the rim of the plastic bowl.

3. Mix the concrete by following the instructions on the bag. Scoop concrete into the plastic bowl around the edges of the stainless steel bowl, making sure the smaller bowl stays centered. Shake the plastic bowl gently as you fill it to distribute the concrete evenly. Fill the bowl within an inch of the lip.

4. Shake the plastic bowl gently to bring any air bubbles to the surface. Smooth the surface of the concrete with your hands.

5. Allow the concrete to set for about two days. Do not expose the concrete to excessive moisture or sunlight during this time.

6. When the concrete is set, move the plastic bowl to a soft, grassy area. Turn it over. The concrete mold should slide out. If it does not, gently shake the bowl until it does.

7. Allow the concrete bowl to sit in the sun for several days to finish curing. After the concrete has cured, rinse the stainless steel bowl. Fill it with fresh water for your dog.

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