Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kill Bugs But Be Secure For Dogs

Find a way to kill ants that is safe for your dog.

It may be your first instinct to reach for a can of pesticide when you see those little black insects inside your house. However, chemicals are not only harmful to your family, but can be toxic to your dog as well. Luckily, a few dog-safe remedies exist that can kill ants. Before using any commercial remedy to kill ants make sure they are safe for use around pets.


1. Prevent ants from coming into your home by eliminating food and water sources. Remove any food that has been left out and sweep up crumbs from tables and floors. If the ants do not find a source of food, they will not come into your house.

2. Spray ants with a solution of soap and water. This will kill the ants and also remove the pheromone trail they leave for the rest of the colony to follow them into the house.

3. Put a dirt-filled flowerpot outside your home and place some bread or other food attractant in the pot. Once the ants flock to the pot, burn it to kill them.

4. Sprinkle cornmeal outside your home and where you see ants. They will eat the cornmeal but cannot process it. While safe for dogs, cornmeal will kill off ants.

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