Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stop Your Dog From Urinating When Excited

Some puppies tend to pee when they get excited, and the behavior may continue in adulthood.

Puppies commonly pee when they get excited or frightened because they do not have good bladder control. This behavior is similar to submissive urination, a behavior low-ranking dogs use to appease higher-ranking dogs. However, for dogs living in human households, submissive and excitement urination can be embarrassing and messy behaviors for the owners. You can usually remedy this behavior with a combination of training and lifestyle changes.


1. Determine what circumstances cause your dog to get so excited that he urinates. Greetings, rambunctious play sessions and other highly stimulating events are common sources of excitement urination. If playtime is a culprit, only play with your dog outside. Keep greetings as low-key as possible by putting your dog in a crate when visitors come and ignore him when you come home. Avoid giving your dog any attention until he calms down.

2. Take your dog for frequent brisk walks. Exercise can decrease the frequency of excitement urination and frequent walks ensure that your dog's bladder is empty. Most dogs need to go outside after playtime, after drinking or eating, after waking up and before bed.

3. Offer your dog a behavioral alternative to urination. At times of excitement, tell him to "sit." Hold a treat above his head so that he sits down to see it. Click the training clicker and give your dog the treat. This helps him to associate calm behavior with getting a reward, and a calm dog is unlikely to urinate on himself.

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