Thursday, December 5, 2013

How Train My Coon Dog To Tree

Coon dogs can be trained to chase their prey up a tree.

While there are a number of dog breeds that contain the name "coonhound," including the Bluetick Coonhound, the Black and Tan Coonhound, the Redbone Coonhound and the English Coonhound, nearly any breed of dog can be trained to chase raccoons. Coon dogs usually are trained for raccoon hunting for sport or for food, but teaching a dog to chase and tree a raccoon also can keep the pests out of your backyard and away from your garbage cans. Proper training and reinforcement can get your dog moving in the right direction to chasing these pests up a tree.


1. Begin training your coon dog at the age of 5 weeks. Start with basic commands such as "sit" and "stay." The dog must learn to obey your commands in general before he can learn to hunt or tree a raccoon.

2. Set your coon dog up with an experienced coon hunting dog from a very young age. The puppy will not be able to do everything the experienced dog does, but he will learn to recognize coon dog behavior, including following scents and checking trees.

3. Drag an old or artificial raccoon skin or hide in front of the dog and encourage him to chase the skin. He will learn to recognize the basic smell and appearance of a raccoon. Praise him for his efforts and provide rewards for a job well done.

4. Lay artificial scent trails for your dog so he can begin to recognize the smell of a raccoon. Make sure the trails do not cross large roadways or other confusing areas until he gets used to tracking.

5. Combine the two training methods when the dog is used to the sight and smell of a raccoon. Lay a scent trail for him that leads near a tree and hang the raccoon hide or skin from the tree. Repeat this training in different areas so the dog gets used to the idea of the raccoons running for trees. He will learn to chase the raccoons toward trees because that is where the scent trails usually run and that is where he usually sees the skins.

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