Friday, December 6, 2013

Train A Blue Heeler Puppy To Chase Cattle

Blue heeler pups are a bit stubborn.

Blue heeler is the name given to the Australian Cattle Dog (ACD) with blue-hued fur and black spots. Bred in the 1800s, blue heelers are natural herders, undaunted by difficult cattle. ACDs are intelligent and tend to train easily. However, their stubborn nature can prove to be an obstacle. You must be dedicated to working with and being the "pack leader" of this breed, whether herding for work or for fun.


Initial Training

1. Train your puppy prior to introducing him to cattle.

Teach your dog the recall and stop commands on the long line. Away from cattle, your dog should come to you when called and sit or lie down on command. Reward him with a treat for proper performance.

2. Add distractions, and have the dog hold the "sit" or "down" longer, still using the leash and treats. When your dog will obey in a calm situation, teach him to do so even when you continue moving.

3. Practice the commands without the leash once your dog can perform them consistently on the long line with distractions.

Instinct Test

4. An instinct test will show your dog's aptitude for herding.

Take your blue heeler puppy to a herding clinic to participate in an instinct test. No previous experience with cattle is needed; however, careful supervision is necessary.

5. Enter the testing area on the long line. Perform a recall and a stop successfully then drop or remove the leash.

6. Allow the dog's instincts to take over. This exercise will reveal your dog's natural herding instinct.

Training Basics

7. Ducks can be used to teach very young pups herd.

Introduce your heeler to a herd only as large as the space and your dog's ability will allow. Some experts recommend using sheep first, although others suggest ducks for the much younger pups. Keep this introduction as positive as possible.

8. Train your puppy at least two or three times a week. Without this consistency, your dog will not learn anything from one session to the next and his excitement will stress the cattle.

9. Be prepared to use the long line in the beginning. Recall and stop can be hard for the dog in a herding situation, even if he performs them perfectly without cattle.


10. Whistle commands to your dog.

Learn whistle commands to guide your blue heeler, as these are more audible at long distances. Corresponding sound files can be found online for many of the common commands.

11. Use "Come Bye" and "Away to Me" to direct the dog to one side of the herd or the other. Come Bye moves the dog in a clockwise direction to the left-hand side of the handler while Away to Me moves the dog counter-clockwise to the right-hand side.

12. Command the dog to "Walk Up" when he should drive toward the herd. Use "Look Back" when you want the dog to notice cattle that are beyond his sight or may have lagged behind.

13. Slow the dog by saying "Easy." "Get Back" lets the dog know he is too close to the animals. "That'll Do" tells the dog that the task is complete.

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