Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kinds Of German Shepherd Dogs

Types of German Shepherd Dogs

The German shepherd dog breed is as varied as it is beautiful. According to "The Illustrated Standard of the German Shepherd Dog," the wild popularity of German shepherds has led to repeated attempts to breed a "better" dog, resulting in a variety of "types" that posses different looks, skill levels and temperaments.

Working Lines

Working lines are bred primarily for their ability to work, respond to and participate in schutzhund. According to the United Schutzhund Clubs of America, the purpose of schutzhund is to encourage and demonstrate the mental acuity, physical strength, trainability, skills and intelligence of the breed.

Show Lines

Show lines are bred primarily for appearance, although they still posses the innate ability to guard and protect. Similar in temperament to the working line, they are calm, stable, trainable and easy dogs to live with.

American/Canadian Shepherds

Bred specifically for appearance and movement, this line of German shepherds differs vastly from working and show lines. They are typically heavier and larger, lighter in muscle and bone structure, and do not posses reliable working and protective abilities.


Alsatians are descended from old German shepherd lines imported into Great Britain. They typically posses a mild temperament and a varied, inconsistent work drive.

White German Shepherd Dog

White German shepherds are the result of recessive gene, and, although they have faced disqualification from registries in most parts of the world, are accepted as German shepherds in the American and Canadian kennel clubs. They posses a mild temperament, a variable work drive, and have found success as guide and therapy dogs.

Panda Shepherd

A relatively new variety, the panda shepherd is descended from German lines and has already achieved AKC recognition. It possesses a sound temperament and structure, and so far has not presented any serious health defects.

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