Thursday, January 23, 2014

Train Blue Nosed Pit Young puppies

Pit bulls often get a bad rap. Dogs are not born "bad," and that statement is just as true for this notorious breed as it is for the Labrador retriever or poodle. The pits who fight, bite and hurt people were either trained to be that way or weren't given enough training on being good canine citizens and misbehave as a result. If you want to own a pit bull, you must train him properly starting at a very young age.


1. Show your blue-nosed pit bull that you are the one who is in charge, not him. This is the most important aspect of training your pit bull puppy. Several times a day, hold your pit bull in your arms like a baby with his belly exposed. This action will show him that you are dominant. When you walk him, do so on a leash and make sure you are always side-by-side. Walk through doors first and make him wait to eat. Put the bowl of food in front of him, but don't let him eat unless you permit him to.

2. Play with your blue-nosed pit bull puppy in a way that is non-aggressive. For instance, playing tug-of-war, wrestling and allowing your pit bull to "play bite" will lead to aggressive behavior when he is an adult, if not earlier. In addition, play with your puppy's toys and treats to keep him from being protective of them. Many blue-nosed pit bulls will growl at their owners if they have a toy or treat in their possession. It is important to stop that behavior early by showing your pit puppy that he must let you do what you ask of him.

3. Correct bad behavior in your blue-nosed pit bull puppy as soon as it happens. If he growls or bites, tell him "no" and put him on his back. If he has an accident in the house, tell him "no" and take him outside. If you let bad behavior slide, it will only show him that it is acceptable to act that way and the behavior will progressively get worse.

4. Socialize your blue-nosed pit bull puppy so that he feels comfortable around people as well as other pets. A pit bull puppy who is not socialized will often turn into a dog who is fear-aggressive towards others and will bite as a defense mechanism. Make sure your blue-nosed pit bull puppy is current on his shots before introducing him to other dogs, so that you don't expose him to any viruses.

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