Sunday, January 20, 2013

House Train A Jack Russell Puppy

Jack Russell terrier puppies are not difficult to housebreak if the owner is persistent and patient.

According to the Dog Breed Info Center, the Jack Russell terrier breed is easily trainable, but shows a stubborn streak if faced with a meek owner. House training a Jack Russell puppy requires patience and a calm demeanor, as well as persistence.


1. Take your Jack Russell puppy outside on leash as much as possible, but especially during prime pottying moments. Puppies are more likely to eliminate after eating, drinking, sleeping or playing.

2. Walk around with your Jack Russell puppy on leash until you see her sniffing a certain spot, or circling. These are signs she is looking for a good place to potty. Praise the puppy when she eliminates outdoors and give her a treat.

3. Confine your Jack Russell puppy to a puppy-proof room or crate when you cannot supervise him. Use pet gates if necessary. If you're using a large crate, use a crate divider to make sure the puppy only has enough room to get up and turn around. Too much room might mean the puppy sleeps in one end and eliminates in the other end.

4. Watch your Jack Russell puppy when she is indoors for signs that she needs to urinate or defecate, such as circling, sniffing and squatting. Take her outside immediately upon seeing these signs and praise her when she potties outdoors.

5. Repeat each step as many times as is necessary for the puppy to learn that pottying outdoors is much more rewarding than pottying indoors.

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