Friday, January 18, 2013

Train Dogs To Search

Dogs naturally have an instinct for hunting. They can be trained to smell the location of birds and animals that you want to hunt causing them to stir. This allows you to focus and take the shot rather than search and chase the game with a firearm in tow.


1. Start with teaching your dog to retrieve an object. Use a tennis ball or soft toy on flat ground in your yard. Use an object that isn't lying around all the time for the dog to play with as this may make him lose interest.

2. Let your dog watch you throw the object and notice where it fell. Give a clear command to fetch. Practice everyday to help your dog link your command to the action. Remain patient while teaching this action, since it is the basis for hunting.

3. Make your dog sit down on the ground and hold him close to you. Throw the object away, close the dog's eyes before the object hits the ground and give the fetch command. This technique trains the dog to retrieve the object by using his nose to identify its location.

4. Throw the object within a short distance and in a closed space initially to build your dog's confidence. Then move to open lawn or areas with tall grass. Encourage the dog with words like "Find" or "Seek" when he appears to give up. Treat him with rewards and praise when he finds the object.

5. Place the object in a bag or cover it up in a cloth to introduce new scents. Train your dog in different areas for him to be consistent in his search pattern.

6. Expose your dog to the scent of the animal you are planning to hunt. Prepare your dog to the actual scenario by taking him out to the hunting grounds and familiarizing him with a gunshot and terrain.

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