Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Issues Of The Management Information System

Management information systems (MIS) are a set of procedures to collect important business information for making management decisions. Traditional MIS were manual processes handled by certain employees inside the company. Modern technology and business software has allowed companies to automate their traditional MIS processes. While automating the MIS can provide several obvious benefits, there are disadvantages to automating or enhancing the company MIS. Additional implementation costs, employee training or new MIS-gathering tools and techniques may provide some difficult situations.

Cost of Technology Upgrades

Implementing a new MIS or new MIS procedures can prove to be a difficult process for older computer mainframe systems or business software applications. Because modern technology can change rapidly in a short amount of time, companies must maintain current hardware and software systems in their company. Business hardware is an additional overhead expense companies usually pass on to consumers. Failing to recoup these infrastructure costs can leave companies with a large capital expense on their financial statements.

Training Needs

Training managers and employees on a new MIS may be a process that takes a lot of time and effort. Companies may not be prepared to train their managers and employees on such a large scale business system. Additionally, older employees may take longer to train since they are usually less familiar with current business technology. The company size and number of departments needing the new MIS may also create training difficulties for the company. Companies may need to shut down operations during the training period, creating a potential for lost profits.

MIS as Distraction

MIS processes may provide little benefit as a management tool if they are allowed to get out of hand. This may happen if companies spend more time designing, implementing, reviewing and controlling the MIS. Companies should view the MIS as a behind-the-scenes operation; allowing it to become a major distraction in the decision-making process cheapens the value of the MIS. It may also be a distraction when companies attempt to expand their current operations.


Companies may not need a completely new MIS process or renovation. Simple tweaks may be sufficient to ensure the current MIS operates smoothly. Business software packages can quickly become overpriced when new hardware and maintenance agreements are included. This expense may be avoided if company management simply review their current MIS processes and determine where any flaws or errors exist. Correcting these issues may breathe new life into the current MIS.

Too Much Information

MIS processes are designed to gather and collect pertinent information for business decisions. Creating an MIS that collects too much information can lead to the management problem known as the "paralysis of analysis." This management theory is based on the principles of so much information is gathered that it leads to the inability of making a decision. Management information must be timely, relevant and accurate. Information that does not meet these guidelines may not be necessary for making business decisions.

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