Friday, November 22, 2013

Develop A Perfect Dog Pen

Make the perfect pen for any breed of dog.

The perfect dog pen can go a long way toward making your dog happy and content. Like humans, dogs appreciate homes of their own. No matter what kind of dog you have or what materials you use in the project, a perfect dog pen can go a long way toward helping you raise a great dog. Pens can be built in all shapes and styles, depending on the size and breed of the dog.


1. Decide on the size of the dog pen. Make this decision based on size and breed of the dog and the available space. For active dogs, 6 by 20 feet is a common size. For large active dogs a pen higher than 6 feet may be necessary. Some breeds may require a height up to 10 feet tall. Bigger, less active breeds also need larger pens. For smaller breeds, a 6- by 14-feet pen is usually more than adequate. Use the existing yard as the floor of the run. Make sure it is stable and flat enough to install the chain link posts and fencing around it.

2. Dig a 2-foot-deep hole for all posts around the perimeter. For a 6- by 20-foot pen, plan for one post in each corner and two posts equally spread out along each of the 20-foot sections. Measure the width of your premade gate, add 4 inches to that measurement and dig a hole for the gate post at the resulting distance from one of the other post holes. Set an aluminum fence post in each hole. Mix concrete with water and pour it into the hole once the post is firmly in place. Allow time for the concrete to set according to the instructions on the concrete bag.

3. Lay chicken wire along the edge of the pen, extending into the kennel around the perimeter so that it will extend under the fence into the pen and discourage the dog from trying to dig out of the pen. Use stakes to hold the chicken wire down.

4. Run the chain link from post to post around the perimeter of the pen, covering the entire perimeter of the pen except for the gate area. Use pliers and fence ties to twist the ends of the fencing together at every post to make the fence solid and sturdy. Wrap the chain link around the poles where the gate will be located, making sure no sharp edges are exposed.

5. Hang the gate between the gate posts using gate brackets and gate hardware. The gate should be the same height as the fence. Make sure the gate latches properly after it is completely hung.

6. Line the outside edge of the fence all the way around the pen, except for the gate area, with stones to weigh down the chicken wire and make the pen sturdier and stronger. Cover the chicken wire with mulch, wood chips or river rocks to cover help prevent the dog from trying to dig out. Walk along the entire pen to make sure nothing is exposed and everything is in place. Because the pen has no top, place a doghouse inside the fence to provide shelter for the dog.

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