Friday, November 15, 2013

Move Across Country With Pets

Dogs ready to move

Moving across the city is stressful for people and their pets but when you’re moving a long distance with pets, it can become a nightmare before you even leave the driveway if you’re not prepared. With a little planning and a few simple items, your trip can be pleasant for both you and your pet. Below is make this move just a bit more comfortable for both of you.


1. Pack a bowl for water or a pet dish where you can get to it while traveling. Keep your pet’s leash where you can easily reach it or keep it on the kennel. Some travelers keep it looped through the door of the kennel for easy access. Keep the poop scooper where you can get to it as well.

2. Plan the route you will take for the move. Decide how far you will be driving in a day and call hotels along the rout to find ones that allow pets and how much they charge, so you will be prepared. If possible, request a room on the ground floor and near a pet area if the hotel has one.

3. Limit the amount of food and water your pet has the night before you are to leave and each night while on your trip. Walk any dogs, giving them time to relieve themselves. Load your pets last unless moving with cats, in which case leave the litter box until last. Place smaller dogs and cats in their kennels in the house and then load them into the vehicle. Load kennels of larger dogs in the vehicle first and then put the dog into their kennel.

4. Walk dogs when you stop to stretch your legs, especially when at a rest area. Give both dogs and cats water but don’t give them food. Feed your pets when you arrive at the hotel, giving them a little less than normal. Take dogs for a long walk, allowing them to stretch their legs and relieve themselves. Put a litter box with fresh litter in the bathroom for cats. Allow dogs to stay out of their kennels until you are ready to turn out the light and allow cats to stay out overnight. Interact and play with your pets in the hotel room, but remember to be quiet and respectful of other guests.

5. Give animals water in the morning but no food. Take dogs for as long a walk as you can before loading them back up; remember to pick up behind your animal(s). Repeat until you reach your destination.

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