Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How's Kennel Cough Spread

Kennel cough is prevalent in boarding kennels with poor air circulation.

Kennel cough is the most common name of a contagious canine illness that is also known as Bordetella or tracheobronchitis. Most of the time, symptoms include a dry cough and nasal discharge, but in severe cases, a dog may also develop a fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, and pneumonia. Kennel cough is not fatal, except in extremely severe cases, and vaccines can help prevent the illness.

Airborne Viruses

The viruses that cause kennel cough are spread through the air. This means that your dog can contract kennel cough if it has been around another infected dog. Bordetella got the nickname "kennel cough" because it is prevalent in boarding kennels, where dogs are kept in close quarters and poor air circulation makes it easy for dogs to become infected.

Direct Dog-to-Dog Contact

If your dog spends time wrestling with, greeting, or cuddling with other dogs, it is a good idea to get it vaccinated against Bordetella. This is because kennel cough can be spread by direct contact. Dog parks and veterinary offices are places where dogs are at high risk of infection.

Contact with Contaminated Objects

If another dog has used your dog's bedding or toys, you should clean them to reduce the risk of infection. Kennel cough germs can live on items that were used by an infected dog. Shared food or water dishes are a common source of infection.

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