Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Info On Newborn Bloodhound Young puppies

Bloodhound dogs originated from Constantinople and came to Europe before the Crusades. The breed was first recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885. Known by the unique, baggy appearance of their skin and face, bloodhound dogs are used to trace scents. Their ability to trace scents is so accurate, the use of a bloodhound dog is admissible in a court of law, according to the AKC. These dogs are powerful trackers and, by extension, popular hunting companions.


Bloodhound dogs are affectionately described as both loving and bossy. They are extremely affectionate dogs that do not hesitate to show their affection physically or verbally -- owners of bloodhound puppies are jokingly advised to invest in earplugs because of the unique vocals of this dog breed, a trait exercised often in puppyhood. Bloodhounds are shy and sensitive dogs, according to the American Kennel Club. They rarely display aggression toward humans, though they can be trained as watch dogs. Bloodhound puppies rarely show interest in chasing or fighting with other animals, a trait that might appear if the dog is later trained to hunt.


Newborn bloodhound puppies need the care and warmth of their mother and littermates. If you have a newborn bloodhound puppy who has been separated from his mother and litter, you will need to provide a milk replacer solution and an adequate amount of warmth for the newborn bloodhound puppy to survive. Block any drafts from entering the puppy's room and keep the temperature at 70 to 80 degress Fahrenheit, according to "Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff." Abandoned newborn bloodhound puppies need a slightly warmer temperature, between 75 and 85 degrees, to keep from chilling to death in their first few days of life.


Feed newborn bloodhound puppies weighing less than 7 ounces two to four milliliters of formula every two to three hours for the first few days. When the bloodhound puppies weigh more than 7 ounces, feed the puppies one milliliter of formula every four hours, as outlined in "Nutrition for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses." Hydration is one of the biggest concerns for newborn bloodhound puppies. Be sure that the formula solution or the mother's milk contain an adequate amount of water. Signs of dehydration include dark-colored urine, excessive crying, skin that does not fall back into place after being pinched and slow capillary refill time, according to the "Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians." Treat dehydration as a veterinary emergency and seek help immediately.


It might be hard to picture when looking at a puppy, but bloodhound dogs can grow to weights of up to 110 pounds and measure between 23 and 24 inches high at the shoulders. Consider the parentage and temperament of the dog's parents before choosing the puppy to get an idea of the dog's ultimate size and weight range.

Expert Insight

If you have any questions about the health or needs of your newborn bloodhound puppy, seek the advice of a veterinary care professional. They can advise you on the care and needs of your new puppy, as well as provide insight if any problems arise.

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