Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Labrador Retriever Learning New York

A well-trained Labrador retriever can make a skilled hunting companion.

The Labrador retriever makes for an affectionate and well-behaved family pet. The dogs were originally bred to retrieve game during hunting trips. There are many Lab training programs in North Carolina that teaches your dog obedience and hunting skills.

Sit Means Sit

Sit Means Sit Dog Training has locations throughout the United States, including Charlotte, North Carolina. This training program accepts puppies of many breeds, like Labrador retrievers. Here, your dog will learn obedience, and you will learn control methods. When your dog graduates, he will behave off a leash, refrain from biting and control his barking.

Sit Means Sit Dog Training

1039 Drummond Ave.

Charlotte, N.C. 28205


Reese's Waterfowl Retrievers

If you want your Labrador to be a gun dog, take him to RWR Kennels for its waterfowl dog training. These sessions focus on teaching your lab to retrieve from short and long ranges using various drills. Your dog will learn to control herself during a hunt, tread water and retrieve hunted animals.

RWR Kennels

217 Mccausley Road

Hubert, N.C. 28539


Strickland's Kennels

Strickland's Kennels offers either Labrador obedience training or gun dog training. Basic obedience training is a two-month program during which your lab will learn to respond to commands, heel and control its barking. Gun dog training teaches dogs the skills to become hunting retrievers.

Strickland's Kennels

441 Durwood Evans

Beulaville, N.C. 28518


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