Thursday, March 21, 2013

Canine Training Schools Near Salisbury Maryland

Dog training schools near Salisbury teach obedience, agility and conformation classes.

Salisbury, Maryland is located on the eastern shore of the state about 25 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean. Kennel clubs and dog training clubs on the eastern shore offer dog obedience classes, agility instruction, conformation classes and some specialty classes like freestyle and American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) training. Training can be found in Salisbury and within an hour's drive north in Georgetown, Delaware and west in Cordova, Maryland.

Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club

Classes are open to purebred and mixed breed dogs at SMKC.

The Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club owns an indoor, climate-controlled training facility in Salisbury. The AKC member club offers classes 11 months out of the year. They are closed during the month of July. Offered are puppy kindergarten, all levels of obedience, rally, agility, conformation, CGC classes and freestyle instruction. Classes are taught by club members and open to members and the general public. Class sessions last 6 to 8 weeks depending on the curriculum. The club posts a class schedule on their website and offers online and mail-in registration options.

Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club

31663 Winterplace Parkway

Salisbury, MD 21804-1893


Talbot Kennel Club

TKC offers family obedience class for the dog and the whole family.

Located an hour east of Salisbury, Talbot Kennel Club (AKC member club) has an indoor training facility in Cordova, Maryland which is near the town of Easton. The club offers all levels of puppy classes, obedience, rally and agility training. Specialized classes offered are the AKC's S.T.A.R. puppy class and a Friday night family obedience class. Classes are taught by club members and open to members and the general public.

Talbot Kennel Club

11791 Cordova Road

Cordova, MD 21625-2603


Blue Heron Agility Association of Delaware

BHAAD holds outdoor agility and obedience classes.

Blue Heron Agility Association of Delaware (BHAAD) is on the eastern shore. Club activities are located within an hour of Salisbury. BHAAD offers seasonal dog obedience classes as well as agility and conformation training programs. Classes are taught by club members outdoors with agility instruction in Georgetown, Delaware and obedience classes in nearby Bishopville, Maryland. Classes are 8 weeks long and open to members and the general public. Class schedules vary each season.

Blue Heron Agility Association of Delaware

26853 E. Trap Pond Rd.

Georgetown, DE 19947


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