Monday, March 18, 2013

Select The Height To Have An Elevated Dog Feeder

Pick the Height for an Elevated Dog Feeder

Aside from providing a "fancy" dining environment for your favorite pooch, elevated dog feeders are a healthy alternative. They encourage better digestion and easier swallowing, which is especially helpful for dogs with medical conditions like mega-esophagus. For older or arthritic dogs, elevated bowls make dinner time more comfortable because the level eating position puts less pressure on the neck, back, legs and joints. There are a variety of elevated bowls on the market and different colors and materials in prices, ranging from discount to over-the-top. Before you choose an elevated bowl because it matches your kitchen decor, it's most important to make sure that it's the correct height for your dog


1. Place your dog in position to be measured, standing up on all four feet.

2. Measure your dog's wither height. Stretch the tape measure from the floor to the top of your dog's shoulder.

3. Subtract 6 inches from your dog's wither height (for small dogs, like chihuahuas, subtract 4 inches). This is the correct height for your dog's elevated feeder.

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