Monday, May 27, 2013

Build Backyard Dog houses For Small Dogs

Build an outdoor kennel for your small dog to keep it safe and happy.

An outdoor kennel gives small dogs a safe, contained place to run and relax in your backyard when you're away from home. Allowing more freedom than a small indoor kennel, a backyard kennel gives a small dog space to stretch its legs, relieve itself and get some exercise, all while enjoying the sights and smells of the outdoors. You can build a backyard kennel for your small dog with a few basic materials and tools.


1. Select a flat spot in your backyard that gets a good mixture of both shade and sun. Look for a spot near trees that can provide shelter from the wind for your small dogs.

2. Purchase pre-fabricated kennel components made from stainless steel. Buy a kennel with sturdy steel pieces that, when assembled, make the kennel measure 5-by-5-by-4 feet. Look for a kennel with side, back and front wall components, a roof component and a front panel with a gate that opens outward.

3. Measure an area that is 1 inch smaller on all sides than the finished width and length of your kennel. Dig the grass up in this area with a spade to a depth of 4 inches. Pound the dirt flat with a tamper.

4. Mix up concrete mixture and pour it into the dug-out area. Measure the poured concrete to make sure it's 4 inches deep. Brush the surface of the concrete with a steel broom to make slight indentations in the surface that will give the dog traction. Allow the concrete to dry completely.

5. Assemble the pre-fabricated steel kennel components around the concrete slab. Place the side walls in first followed by the rear wall. Attach the front wall with the gate so that the gate opens outward and away from the kennel. Assemble the two-sided slanted roof components and attach them to the stop of the kennel frame. Place a small dog house at the back of the kennel, if desired.

6. Add a soft mat to the kennel, toys, food and water for your dog. Clean your kennel daily, removing all bedding, toys and housing. Pick up fecal matter and use a water hose to wash urine off of the concrete.

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