Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Develop A Dog Run Fence

You can provide a safe dog run for your furry friend.

Roaming dogs pose a hazard to neighboring yards and gardens, as well as creating a danger to themselves. Keeping your dog contained requires setting physical boundaries. A good fence allows your pet to spend time outdoors, without wandering off and getting hurt. While a square pen keeps your dog contained, a dog run supplies sufficient space for running and playing. These yards provide narrow stretches of surface area that allow your pet to stretch its legs. The size and activity level of your dog will help you determine the most suitable size for the structure.


1. Select the best location for your dog run. Choose an area that provides protection from the heat and blowing snow or rain. Make the width of the run at least three to four times the length of your dog and long enough to allow ample space for your dog to run at full speed for several feet. While a miniature breed may require as little as 3 by 6 feet, a larger breed dog may need as much as 8 by 25 feet. An older dog with a reduced level of activity can get by with a smaller dog run.

2. Measure your perimeter to determine how much chain link fencing and hardware you need to form a secure structure. Plan to place corner posts at all four corners and support posts every 6 to 8 feet between them. Measure and mark these locations with small survey flags. Include one gate and gate hardware for your closest narrow end. Chain link fencing comes in a variety of heights. Consider how high your dog can jump and choose a height that extends beyond its most valiant efforts.

3. Dig holes for the corner posts and support posts. Use a posthole digger or a tractor with an auger attachment. Make the holes about three times the diameter of your posts and deep enough to place the top of the fencing even with the tops of your posts. This normally requires holes between 2 and 3 feet deep.

4. Place a 3-inch layer of gravel on the bottoms of the holes to provide support. This will also raise the posts the correct distance above the top of the chain link fabric. Stir your concrete mix with water to form a thick, heavy paste. Use a level to make sure your posts remain upright and scoop the concrete mixture around the bottoms of the posts, filling in the holes. Allow it adequate time to dry. This may take one to five days, depending on your climate.

5. Beginning with one corner post, attach one end of chain link to the post, using the fencing hardware. Stretch the chain link with a mechanical fencing stretcher, keeping the material taught at all times. Attach each post to the chain link, before moving to the next. Place your prebuilt gate across the gate opening, attaching the gate hinges and the latch in place.

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